Saturday, October 3, 2009

African Realities

These young entrepreneurs are selling hard-boiled eggs and tiny bags of peanuts. Nutritious and inexpensive lunch or snack! They were delighted to see their photo. Maybe they'll save ther earnings toward an education at HAU!!
Moving on to our life on campus:
I really like the focus of Hope Africa University in equipping and encouraging students, not only to recognize African Realities, but to work diligently in their studies to be prepared to go into their world and make a difference.

A big difference we are encountering is the life-changes of those who move from a religion of hopelessness to a faith in Christ as their Lord and Saviour. A great decision we say. It is! Blessings on them, each one. And they receive those blessings! But, let's get behind the eyes and nearer the hearts of some of these new friends of ours.

One stopped by this morning with a very sad, heavy heart. She moved from that religion to faith 3 years ago and has been growing and seeing good changes in her life. A young man has taken notice and they plan to get married. But, not so easy. His father does not believe a real change can be genuine because of the history and strength of the religion she moved away from and is refusing the son to take her as his wife. In this culture, that must be honored. She came from her home to talk to her young pastor who is a student here. He moved from that religion 10 years ago and is leading many others into a vibrant faith in Christ.

Our hearts ache for the deep pain she is experiencing. Let's call her Nancy. She is very discouraged. Will you join in prayer for Nancy to embrace the promises of God, will choose to sing hymns in her heart and pray with faith believing God is going to bring good from this situation as she holds tightly to His hand and keeps her eyes on Him. Yes, it is a privilege and a joy to be able to share together. Stephen was relieved to have "mom" as he calls me, to share from a woman's heart!

The father has agreed to pray for 2 months and then re-consider the situation. Pray please that Nancy will not turn back, but be drawn closer and experience new blessings receive permission to marry the man she loves.

Please pray also for the protection and wisdom for Stephen. He carries a heavy load of responsibilities with his studies in Theology and the steady flow of converts who lean on him for understanding more about their new-found faith.

Another African Reality is that students at HAU must become fluent in both French and English. Wayne just spent 2 hours with several English speaking students who need a little boost in speaking and writing French.

This has been a relaxing day for which we are thankful. Tomorrow's church will be at least 3 hours filled with many many choir numbers; songs written for this service, practiced with slight musical movements (not sure how to define that!!) which is just a part of their music presentation and more, their worship to God. I love it, but could use a more comfortable chair!! Wayne sits really still because sometimes the legs give out on these plastic chairs and down you go, or backward into the lap of another! we've seen it happen....funny when it's someone else!! Seems to happen to the guys more...heavier, maybe? To us, tho, the plastic ones are provided for us as special people and better than the wooden benches!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Lights! Water!! Internet!!! All in One Day!!!!

After MANY hours without water and electricity we are happy as larks today to have both, plus the internet working!! It surely reminds me of how much I take such luxuries for granted in the good ole u.s. of a. And besides that, it's been a bit cloudy most of the day, thus cooler with lots of breeze. Refreshing!!

Until Wednesday evening we had been nearly 2 weeks without elecricity more than having it on; Wednesday was the Hope Africa University Day of Prayer with hundreds of students and many staff attending the 4 hour service. What beautiful worship and praise in Swahili, French, Kirundi and Enlgish. I tell you, they can switch from one language to another with utmost ease and the sweetness of the Holy Spirit is sensed in whatever language we praise in.

The Rector (University President) challenged us with many specific prayer requests for HAU including getting the Voice of Hope Radio station back on the air and getting government permission to secure plans to erect an antenna an hour up the mountain to facilitate the station being heard all over Burundi. The very next day there were reports of 4 specific requests having been answered!!
Electricity returned at 6 that evening and has been on about 2/3 of the time since. PTL and keep praying!!

Wayne 'n I had a delightful time of fellowship with our friend, Deogratias, out on the beach of Lake Tanganyika while enjoying the breezes and the view of the lake beneath the shade of a nice gazebo. It's refreshing to get off campus and take time for a lengthy, and long overdue visit. His family is doing well with the two older girls both studying at HAU. Many of you at Spring Arbor and former missionaries know Deo. He sends you his greetings :)

Well, as enjoyable as this visit is, there are papers to grade and lessons to prepare for next week's classes, so will sign off, hoping to hear from you, soon!!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Beautiful Balmy Bujumbura Burundi is becoming a bit of an endurance test as the electricity is off more than it is on for the second week running. Yup, it's a bonafide complaint living without use of our electric 'fridge and no fans to, at least circulate the very warm air. Over the weekend we fled the city to the cool and quiet of Kibuye two and half hours into the mountains. Oh, how awesome if the university were there!!

On the brighter side: classes are in full swing here at Hope Africa University in the 2nd and last semester of their school year. Seems different to have graduation in December, but it works for them! As always, it is delightful to teach students who are eager to learn. Our classes are in motion and we're looking to see where we can add some time for tutoring to encourage and strengthen speaking skills for students struggling with French while others struggle with English. Pretty amazing that they'll graduate with fluency in both languages! Of course, many students come to HAU with fluency in 3 and 4 languages!

This is my first blog and I'm looking to learn how to post photos....more later.